Monday, December 22, 2008


So I'm pretty used to the various political wackiness that goes on in this town, I find it kind of funny really. Just before the election I used some choice words in response to LaRouche supporters (those are just seriously bad people). But I have to say The Communist Revolutionary Party Seattle here may in fact go to the point of absurdity. As you can see they have chosen the largest shopping area in the city to do their recruiting. I can see it now "Oh yeah, we'll be right there between Macy's and Nordstrom, just in front of the mall. No, not that mall, the other mall next to that one." I also notice that their sign is encouraging revolution, now I am not a linguist but I am pretty sure that means violent overthrow of the government, and really that isn't cool. We get the first decent president elected since I graduated high school and these three fools (and I'm pretty sure that is the depth of their numbers) think that it is time for a revolution? Anyway, whenever I thinks somebody is loopy I can generally find somebody stranger in this town. Oh and finally don't these people read papers? Communism doesn't work so well.

I'm Sorry I thought this was Seattle. (Icefest 2008?)

Here in Seattle we don't get a lot of snow really. A light dusting every couple of years disrupts the city on a large scale. This is what Christmas in Seattle normally looks like.

But sometimes you get storms that look like this....

And this...

And this...

It leaves the city crippled and under a foot of snow looking like this. As you can see we don't have snowplows here. Thankfully I am done with my finals since some of them have now been postponed until January. Sam has been the lone employee at her job for a couple of days. It is odd to see a major city almost completely shut down, we only even hear one or two ambulances a night living next to the trauma hospital as we do.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
This year it was just the two of us (you can sing the song in your head if you would like). I made biscuits (no picture unfortunately, they were so beautiful that a picture just couldn't quite capture it) and the pumpkin pies. Ahhh, pumpkin pie...delicious. Rafe made everything else.

We had chicken instead of turkey. After this picture was taken the chicken had to go back into the oven. It was having some issues. Unfortunately by the time it was finished cooking, we were also finished eating. That's right, we just couldn't wait. It was there for our sandwiches the next day though.

Mmmm, pie.
Our lovely dinner table...not quite big enough to fit all of the food, but what can you do.

As you can see, Rafe had a great Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Halloween (fest)!

So this Halloween Sam and I finally decided to take part in the local festivities after two years of staying home and listening to an inordinate number of sirens. So we went to the BLSA party (Black Law Student Association).
The theme of the party was "VIP's" so as you can see Sam chose Bristol Palin, which paired nicely with the fifteen Sarah Palins that ended up at the party.
The fake pregnant belly got some funky looks when Sam was partaking in the Martinis.

I chose to go as pre-retirement Castro; which required that I spend a half-hour glueing fake hair to my face and limited my beverage options to only those things that came in a bottle.

Sadly none of my friends could be convinced to dress as Kim Jong Il for Halloween, or even Hugo Chavez, it was sad. Overall it was good times.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Same Old Thing

So, we are boring as all hell these days. Rafe is a study maniac. Sam is a slave to the man.
Oh, Sam cut her hair...again; she doesn't like looking at her face on this blog though, so if you would like to see it, it needs to be requested. Other than that, we've been planning our Halloween costumes...I think that you'll all be hilariously surprised when you see them.

Rafe is pretending that he is a grown up now. He's representing kids in court (those poor kids--getting some not-a-lawyer as their representative). Hahaha, just kidding, those kids are lucky they get any representation at all from what Rafe tells me.

Alas, 'Fest' season is over here in Seattle, but fall is here and it is a beautiful thing especially if the sun keeps shining the way that it has been. I like all of the leaves on the ground because it helps camoflage the spit making it a little less unsettling to walk down the street. Anywho, that is all for now. Soon we will have our costume pics posted, so be excited.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sam's New 'Do (fest?)

After. Isn't she adorable???

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sandfest 2008!

So, Sandfest was this past weekend. A little lackluster for something that has 'fest' as its suffix, but none the less impressive. Notice the quality of picture that came from Rafe's phone.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hempfest '08

...and the 'people' kept on coming.

Gotta love a man in a skirt!
Bong and Weed...the original Disney characters.
If anyone is interested you can go to their website (which we have not seen, so we make no promises) @

Look at the size of that thing.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Seafair 2008!!!

Isn't he 'pimptastic'?

Ahhhh, Seafair...the great equalizer. The mingling of the masses. The rich, the poor, the high, the sober, the police, and the convicts. There are not too many places in this world, I imagine, that you can see this sort of organized anarchy. One of the things we will miss when we leave you Seattle.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Honeymoon Part II

We had these little visitors in our rooms throughout the trip. Sam was ok until a giant cockroach jumped on her head while we were lying in bed. I don't think she slept that entire night.

The patented, "Rafe, stop taking my picture" face.

It's a beautiful life. Guatemala, a nice place to visit, but we wouldn't want to live there.

Ahhhh, this might just be the life for us.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Honeymoon Part 1

We spent our Honeymoon in Belize which was pretty awesome except for two things I (Rafe) get sunburnt no matter how much sunscreen I wear and, sometimes the mosquitos can be brutal.

This is the entrance to the Turtle Inn awesome place to stay, owned by none other than Mr. Francis Ford Coppola "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
This is the bustling metropolis of Monkey River. There are something like 300 residents and no cars or roads.
Once we left Placencia we went to another of Coppola's Resorts in the mountains. If you look closely in the trees you can see our Cabana.
The Mayan ruins of Carocal and a really cool tree.
Sam demonstrating the height of a door for all you good people. Also check out the short hair.
To be continued....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wedding Day

Andy's awesome picture taking abilities at work.

Alex was so good with Adri, showing her how to throw the flowers.
My favorite photo of all time.

The real hit of the wedding...the cake.