Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Halloween (fest)!

So this Halloween Sam and I finally decided to take part in the local festivities after two years of staying home and listening to an inordinate number of sirens. So we went to the BLSA party (Black Law Student Association).
The theme of the party was "VIP's" so as you can see Sam chose Bristol Palin, which paired nicely with the fifteen Sarah Palins that ended up at the party.
The fake pregnant belly got some funky looks when Sam was partaking in the Martinis.

I chose to go as pre-retirement Castro; which required that I spend a half-hour glueing fake hair to my face and limited my beverage options to only those things that came in a bottle.

Sadly none of my friends could be convinced to dress as Kim Jong Il for Halloween, or even Hugo Chavez, it was sad. Overall it was good times.