So, we are boring as all hell these days. Rafe is a study maniac. Sam is a slave to the man.
Oh, Sam cut her hair...again; she doesn't like looking at her face on this blog though, so if you would like to see it, it needs to be requested. Other than that, we've been planning our Halloween costumes...I think that you'll all be hilariously surprised when you see them.
Rafe is pretending that he is a grown up now. He's representing kids in court (those poor kids--getting some not-a-lawyer as their representative). Hahaha, just kidding, those kids are lucky they get any representation at all from what Rafe tells me.
Alas, 'Fest' season is over here in Seattle, but fall is here and it is a beautiful thing especially if the sun keeps shining the way that it has been. I like all of the leaves on the ground because it helps camoflage the spit making it a little less unsettling to walk down the street. Anywho, that is all for now. Soon we will have our costume pics posted, so be excited.